Monday, January 20th
Baked Potato Bar
Variety of Toppings
Veggie Tray
Pecan Pie Cobbler
Wednesday, January 22nd
Roast Beef
Potatoes, Carrots
German Chocolate Cake
Friday, January 24th
Salmon Patties
Macaroni and Cheese
Pork n Beans
Snicker Doodle Cookies
Each meal is served with salad, vegetables, bread, coffee and tea. Beverages are not included with takeout meals. Please Note: Menus are subject to change.
NOTE: Prices -- Members $10, Non-members $12
Takeout available for Members $12, Non-members $17
Employees of Corporate Sponsors eat at member price
Meals Served Mon., Wed., Fri. From 11:30 / 12:30